Submerged Saltmarsh

It is only maybe six or so days in the year that the salt marsh which separates the outer from the inner dunes on Belhaven Beach is completely covered by the incoming tide. Today was such a day. When I walked over to the beach the water had already covered part of the pathway to the bridge over the Bielwater stream and so I had to paddle with my wellies in order to get over to the dry fields which are protected from the sea water by the inner dunes and a sea wall. I walked along and over the dunes to get to the salt marsh . By the time I walked back with the dog the tide had risen another few inches so I had to paddle through water which was three quarters of the way up my wellies to get back to the bridge and the path along side the stream was now fully covered by the tide and it had started to go up the lane back to our house. 

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