St Pancras

Today did not go to plan.

It's cycle to school week, so I took CyclopsJnr to school on his bike.  He got a flat tyre.  Eurgh.  I took the wheel off and put in a spare inner tube.  5 minutes later, it was flat again.  I had run my fingers round the inside of the tyre to check for sharp things but must have missed something.  Time to bring out the emergency tyre repair spray.  It worked, but I decided we should use the temporary repair to get home instead of continuing to school.  Home we went, and drove to school.  Late.

On my way back, I came across a broken down car and stopped to try to help.

So one way or another my relatively relaxed morning turned into a maelstrom of tyres, breakdowns, conference calls and a dash to the station to get a train to London.

My afternoon management meeting was taken from a quiet corner of St Pancras, watching Eurostars depart.

After checking into my hotel, I went for dinner with my cousinlets which was a lovely way to round off the day.

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