Fish Tales

It was 67 degrees as I drove home on CRR.  There are a few small piles of snow still remaining.  It was great seeing people out fishing.  I was invited to join these fellows but I declined.  I've only fished a few times in my life and it's really not for me.  (Note:  the man fishing in top right photo is also in the photo below it.  Coincidence.)

[FMI:  Dad was an avid fisherman.  He travelled to northern Ontario, Canada once a year for many years.  He kept a map marking where and what type of every fish he caught.  In later years, he went to [url=]Bill & Jack's Marina [/url]on the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands in Fisher’s Landing, NY.  I've heard a few tales from guys who fished with my dad.  Nope.  Not for me.]

PS  What did I do wrong when adding the hyperlink?  When I'm in editing mode it look fine.  When I save changes, the blue ink disappears.  

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