A few days ago I ordered a reclining armchair online.  It was an impulse purchase as I don't really need an armchair ... but I just spotted it and liked it.  An e mail came saying it would be delivered tomorrow.  I confirmed that would be OK.  However - just as I was getting ready to go out this afternoon  - I got an e mail from the delivery service headed " Driver on their way " and informing me that my delivery was next. Good job I read it before I left the house or else I would have missed the delivery.  

The chair was in a huge box which the delivery driver just about managed to get through the opening of my front door ( he was by himself so I was quite impressed he was able to carry it ) Then he had to get it through the smaller opening of the door into the hall.  And he left it in the hall.  So I had to shuffle/push it into the front room.  Its still in the box as I will have to do a bit of a re- jig of the furniture to find a place for it.  Looking forward to relaxing in it sometime soon.

After sorting the delivery out I caught a bus to the village.  The Wide Wednesday theme is " Transport " so I took a shot of my bus arriving as I was standing at the bus stop.  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting. ( check out his wonderful aerial shot of cars in Ross On Wye )  The bus is quite far off in my shot as I didn't want to be taking a photo too late and having the bus sail on by because I didn't put my arm out to stop it.

I had a Yodel parcel to collect at the Convenience Store.  I don't usually choose this shop for my deliveries but I had no choice for this parcel.  The last time I went here it took them ages to find my parcel.  As the shop was newly opened I thought it was just " teething troubles " but it was just as bad today.  There seems to be no system... the chap just looked through a mound of parcels ( twice ) till he found mine.  Then I went to Tesco to collect my other parcel... no problem here.  They always just get my parcel/s ready as soon as they see me in the queue as Im a regular " parcel picker upper ".

I walked back home as I needed to get some steps on the Fitbit. The weather was dry but quite windy and chilly.

Tino and Lily have been very curious about the huge box this evening - sitting on it,  scratching at the top and trying to get inside it.  Luckily its well taped up so they can't get in.

Steps today - 6,058

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