I've missed a LOT!

      From time to time, though a lot less of late, I've seen Penrith "through Visitor's Eyes" (metaphorically anyway).
      Simultaneously, I've noticed things have vanished, been replaced, etc. Example - shortly after we moved here we were trying to find a location; having been a time or two, to visit, we were looking for one of two subterranean Toilets. - PROBLEM - there weren't any, they'd been filled in twixt last visit and moving here.
     This visit, to "git me Lugs lowered", I noticed King Street has changed so much since first we wandered down it that T. B. H. had I been dropped in it Blindfold, rather than walked there I might have wondered where I was.  Even this was faint and hard to spot.
     Moral? Try and force myself downtown more & shoot more; whether or not Blipped. 
      Which, basically, is the reason for this shot - catch LLOYDS whilst still extant.

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