
By Transitoire

Caen, tu m'as manqué

Look who came to visit!! After a frustrating morning putting together barbecues (not fun, especially when you have to bend metal into a shape it is unaccustomed to and then somehow add a nut, washer and bolt to it while holding said metal with one hand) and a quick lunch, Mathieu arrived!! Now to those of you who don't know who he is, go back to Thursday 21st March. A good Caen friend of mine, also happens to have a house in Brittany that is not too far at all away from me and was up for the weekend. So of course he had to come visit!

A very successful day was had by all I would say. We went to Concarneau, wandered aroundthe ramparts, had ice-cream (rocher praline and tiramisu for me, schtroumpf and tiramisu for Mathieu, rocher praline and tropical fruits for Jen, another interesting choice as ever!), listened to the historical music being played in the courtyard while eating said ice-creams, played the guessing game of English or French families, wandered around the shops, looked at sugar sculptures, took random photographs on top of the ramparts, including the one above of us all balancing on one statue podium. There were so many lovely ones from today that it was so hard to pick, some other favourites here. After wandering around the town a little longer, we headed to the supermarket to pick up breakfast (neither of us had anything at all, so thank you Mathieu for that!) followed by playing in the pool until 8pm at night. A late dinner was followed by visits to two customers, and then I had to edit all the photographs editing all the photographs taken today (one of those times when there are so many lovely photographs that they just have to be looked at and played with) and then bed. Was nice to spend a day speaking French all day too, and I think we convinced my stalker gardener that Mathieu was my cheri by absence of confirmation (well, we didn't say yes or no!). One of those pretty awesomely perfect days, even the weather was in our favour!

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