
By ladyleah6

I'm Baaack

Well, the one thing I was supposed to do this year was publish an entry each day.

I have failed.


Got pretty down in Ole Benny hanging there for a month without SH, but with a fearfully pessimistic roomy and no way to get out and see all the sights I'd heard so much about and no reason not to indulge my sugar habit as much as possible whilst also trying to rack up as many hours in bed as possible.

Anyway, I'm back. July's a new financial year and I'll start again then.

Snapped this cheeky, evil-eyed young fella at Whale World. Yes, for those of you who don't know, Koalas are most certainly not bears, but there is much debate about whether or not they are whales. Personally, I believe they are.

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