Ponies in the Sun

It's been another warm day (16.5C) and sunny most of the time bar a shower at lunchtime, but very windy. This morning after getting my Sainsbury's delivery and doing one washing load and hanging it out, G and I went for a walk at the Holt Country Park and Lowes. We spotted one of the grazing ponies in the distance and made our way in that direction. There were four there today, looking like they were enjoying a bit of sunshine. It was a shorter walk than normal with no time for a cuppa as I'd got an email shortly before we were due to walk that my iPad order had been dispatched. Checking the tracking data, I had to make sure I was home by 10:30 and it arrived less than an hour later. Then I did another washing load and hung it out and edited my photos. I had a call from Corgi this afternoon about my 3 part complaint, a lovely woman who agreed with the points I was raising, refunded my call out charge as a gesture of goodwill and more importantly said she would be providing lots of feedback to improve the process. She also said she'd get another plumber out to check the issue I still had which I said isn't urgent, and I've since had a call from a company to do that after Easter. Now to tackle the ironing! 

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