Fly Me Fae Dunoon!

Scotland's first manned mission to the Moon was reaching the critical "Gettin' Doon" stage of it's journey and tensions were rising in mission control.

"Haw, Ya Rockit .............. this is Bellahouston, over!"

"Haw, Bellahouston, how's it hingin'?"

"Are ye nearly there yet, Ya Rockit?"

"Jist looking for somewhere tae park, Bellahouston!"

"Whit's keepin' ye, Ya Rockit?"

"The guys are Hank*, Bellahouston, looking for a decent chippie!"

"Nae bother, Ya Rockit .............."

"Bellahouston ................ we have a problem!"

"Whit's that, Ya Rockit?"

"We've nae change for the meter!"

Get Tae! **

*Hank Marvin ............... starvin'
** Go

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