
 at lunchtime and I had a nice walk up the road and back!

Thankful to have managed to get to work and make it through the day, though there was not really much work.  I did a lot of doodling and tried to make a lot of words from ''antidisestablishment' - I managed 55 so far. :)

I'm off to take some painkillers again after my dinner and have a rest as I've been awake since 4.30am and feeling rather shattered.

Tomorrow my colleague is on leave, but as I am not allowed to do anything without someone else watching...its going to be another boring day!!

Apologies once again for lack of commenting !

Quick update, just heard from the agency they don't want me back tomorrow ' due tonperformance'...but there wasn't any work to start with, so it's no loss!

Roll on the weekend!

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