Fianna Clare, our companion for one year today, or

"Gotcha Day" is a term for the anniversary of the day on which a person or a pet joins a family by adoption. It is also called "Homecoming Day", "Family Day", or "Adoption Day"

Fianna has come a long way from her feral beginnings. She lived in a barn with 17 other cats, fed by an elderly woman. The Standish Humane Society in Duxbury, Massachusetts trapped them all and she was fostered by a wonderful woman. Fianna is the most affectionate cat we've ever had in a way, but only on her terms. She will kiss and swirl around us, purring madly only if she is in one of her preferred beds. She's still skittish when we approach her walking, but she will sit close to us if we find her on the sofa and join her.

She and Raven get along, but it is hard to keep pace with Raven and her antics. They have very different personalities, an introvert and an extreme extrovert. No cuddling or sleeping together yet, but who knows. Raven has a bit of a jealous streak too, something I have never seen in a cat. It's fun to see them together and to have two beautiful black cats in our home. We love them both dearly. Young Fianna is shown in the extra.

For the Record,
This day came in like spring. I went out to breakfast with my former teaching mate. She brought me a big bouquet of Pussywillows. This afternoon I had a Covid Booster, hopefully I'll feel okay tomorrow. My painting mates can make the Zoom tomorrow, so I will rest if needed. Unbelievably, this is my 8th Covid vaccination. Things are so much better than 4 years ago on this day, but the pharmacist who gave me the vaccination said it is certainly not gone.

All hands so happy we have Fianna.

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