Big Hill

By bighill

On the easel....

I left the studio with this is one on the easel late this afternoon....spent a few hours on the one in the extra.....and after lunch and a nap i don't trust my decision i usually grab an unfinished painting and just start using up the paint on my palette....but i was pleasantly surprised when i arrived at this!   I'll leave it for a couple of days and see how i feel...but right now i'm liking it.  

Then Jane came by around 4sh for a visit and we got to talk art stuff for a while...she is so supportive and so generous with her positive feedback....there aren't too many folks i can talk about my art in the way i talk about it with Jane!!!  Then we retired to the living room, wine, chips and salsa and Terry joined us for a very lively hour or so of chatting!!!  So wonderful to have my old buddy back home :)

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