As days get dark. (Day 3230)

Paraphrasing the lyrics of a song after a day of horrific news from south whilst still so bruised and battered by news here.

"And it's just enough to hurt
It's just enough to make its mark
Just a hand to hold as days get dark
A private penance in the night

It's just enough to know that we can feel
And just enough to know that feeling's real
And if you never hurt you'll never heal

And we bleed, and we abide, and we howl, and we hide.
And we drink, and we drug, and we shake, and we shrug
Worry wages its old war and we've lost the will to fight

It's just enough to think another thought
Just trying to unthink the thoughts we've got
And hoping maybe soon we make a go

And we hurt and we hate and we weep and we wait
Count the pills until they see us
Watch the clock until we drown
In our rooms, in our beds, in our hearts, in our heads
We don't know how to be a man and we've let the family down
So we plot and we plan, try to smile when we can
We swallow all our feelings with a numb forever frown

Falling up into the sky
A bowl of blood, a blackened eye
The world below, the wrong way 'round
A call for love, without a sound."

I am kept sane, level and afloat by the love and care of my my beautiful wife

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