Ms & Mr House Finch

Ms & Mrs House Finch taking the time to pose very nicely for me this morning. ;-)

I slept late this morning and then sat outside but only for a little over an hour as it very quickly got too warm for me and I certainly didn’t want to risk getting dehydrated after the past week!

Once inside and showered (to remove all traces of pollen!) I decided to work on making more earrings.

My earring making was interrupted by a call from my friends Burt & Jolanda, who wanted to talk about our team “tent” for the MS Walk next month and about the leadership of the MS Support Group going forward. Burt has been Co-chair for about 10 years now and I’ve been Co-chair about 7 years.

We had some good discussion and it seemed we were all on the same page and so we came to an agreement on what we wanted to do going forward.

I resumed making the earrings and managed to make 4 pair before it was time to sign-in and start this month’s MS Zoom meeting.

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