
Quite a day today. At six am I was moving to the guest room at Shelly’s due to loud regular snoring on his part. I wasn’t fully awake. As I stepped into the room my feet caught on the big elliptical that is on the wall near the foot of the bed. Over I went. Hard. It took awhile to get my bearings. Then I got up, dusted myself off, and checked all my parts. My head had hit the end of the bed but it wasn’t sore and had no bumps. I seemed okay so I went to bed and slept. When I awoke my ribs on the right were quite sore but there were no bruises. In fact I didn’t see any anywhere. So I went on with my day.

I went to Fran’s to play bridge but was feeling more sore, so my friends convinced me to call the doctor. I had 25 minutes to get to the appointment and I made it. The doctor checked me out and came the same conclusion I had. No broken bones. Maybe a crack but there’s nothing to be done for that. My tush was a bit sore but nothing to do about that either. So it’s just take pain meds and take care of myself as things heal. From one to two weeks if no cracks. From four to six weeks if there are. I’m hoping there aren’t any.

So I’m sore. I’m taking meds and icing my rib area. Oh and I went back to my friends’s a played bridge with the other three gals.

Cory as Tiger: Well actually a different photo of Cory…

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