Frilly daffy

I have a few frilly daffodils in the front garden being blown about horribly by the wind so I picked the damaged ones and brought them inside. They are really pretty little flowers and deserve better than being bashed about!
Been to the pool for some swimming & exercise - very busy today!  
After coffee and lunch I managed between showers to plant out the new hellebores, which will flower for me next year, if they survive! Yeah . . .  I got 5 new doubles and am really excited to see what they will look like.
Looking forward to a natter with my sister later as it is her birthday.
Got to get on with packing for the Sunday Off....with only 'hand luggage'. Ugh. Can't leave the camera stuff so it will definitely be short on clothing! Will look like Michelin man when I get on the plane due to all layers I will be wearing.

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