Well would you believe it another grey day with some showers.  I know I'm a winter person and not a summer one but  I like cold crisp bright winter days not this constant greyness and rain that we seem to have this year!!?? I  mustn't complain 'cos I'll soon be complaining that it's too hot, but it does get you down a bit, especially when the cold won't fully go!!

Anywho, never mind - I thought this beautiful bright pink camellia from the garden would brighten things up a bit - they are looking magnificent this year.  A lot have already gone over and a lot of blooms on the ground, but amongst all that we get some new blooms, like this one - which looks so pretty.

That's all from me for today, do take are and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

Oh this is my entry for Flower Friday (I've just realised that it is Friday).  Many thanks to BikerBear for continuing to host.

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