The Piloña at Soto de Dueñas

Rivers in Asturias are necessarily short and sharp - there´s not a lot of space between the high summits and the sea. The Piloña is 40 km long in total - it rises in the old Roman hilltop town of Ceceda (an Asturian abbreviation of Cereceda, which probably more or less means "the place of the cherry trees") and enters the Río Sella at Arriondas. This is what it looks like at Soto de Dueñas, (meaning "grove of the ladies", presumably because quite a few centuries ago there was a nunnery there). It´s shallow and rocky, but trout get up and down it. Similar rivers do actually support salmon, but I´ve not hear that the Piloña does. 
There´s a second view of the same place on the river as an extra. 

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