On the way out!

After some rain in the night and a quick shower this morning a sunny day.

A quick chat with my friend today as the hairdresser was coming to her. All went ok at the hospital yesterday.  Took K to have a blood test and then we went to Leigh for a coffee, tried a new place, will be going back as the coffee plus the apple and almond tart I had was delicious:) We called into a supermarket for petrol and a couple of things on the way home, another eyedrop put in and then I came home for lunch.  Did some jobs and then late afternoon walked to K's to apply eyedrops, I'm getting the knack now!  Walked home picking up litter, a bag collected. 
I took the photo of the daffodils this afternoon, liked the sun shining on them and I bent down low to get the sky in background.  Most of these daffs have been replaced now with more from the garden.  Unfortunately some have fallen with the weather and some have been eaten:((

Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend

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