Photographs & Memories

Where did my day go?

Whatever, it has been a good one. 

Junior came for lunch, so a good chunk of my morning was taken up by cooking. After lunch we went out for coffee and cake. Ideal. I just need to get him into the habit of paying for these wee treats. 

Give me time...

Later in the afternoon I phoned my cousin Mike, partly just to chew the fat, but also to figure out if we can manage another wee football outing in Glasgow before his springtime routine (boat painting, launching and sailing) kicks in. 

We can. We will. 

Junior has decided to come with me to the Queen's Park match in Glasgow tomorrow, so that will be a nice change. 

After lunch we had tackled some of the mountain of books I ought to re-cycle, sell, donate or (perhaps) keep for him. We made no progress at all because we got bogged down in memories of him (aged 4) feeding bananas to a baby elephant at a sanctuary near Chiang Mai. 

But that is good. 

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