Waiting for peanuts

With a messy mix in the forecast for this afternoon I headed over to Shubie for a walk this morning, then stopped to get some groceries. The squirrels were busy, as usual. Some of them stopped to let me take their photo and as a reward I would give them a peanut. One of them even climbed my leg to get the peanut. A couple of the other ones came and took it from my hand. The chickadees were around, but they stayed in the trees.

Last night when I came home, the roommate had been doing laundry. I don't know why he doesn't divide it into 2 smaller loads, at least for the dryer. He has the dryer running for 1.5 hours. It finally shut off at 10:30 last night. But I could still hear a noise that sounded like the dryer. I thought my mind must be playing tricks on me, or that the roommate had something running in his room. This morning I could still hear it. I started checking to see where it was the loudest. I listened at the roommate's door, but couldn't hear anything. I went down and stood beside the furnace and decided it was making a vibrating noise. I called the landlord and he said he would call to get someone over to check it, but of course I have not heard back from him. I still have heat, but the furnace is making a different sound. I should message a friend of mine who installs heating systems and get his opinion.

The weather forecast calls for clearing tomorrow morning and a high of +8 C, so I think I will head to the valley tomorrow.

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