A Grand Night

Went into Leeds as soon as Rebecca could get away from school.
I’d already collected Verity from Skipton and Kitty from school in Ilkley and brought them to my house so we were already when their mum arrived.
We had booked a table at Flat Iron and once again were very pleased with the food and service.
Then a little bit of shopping, l had a dress to pick up from Seasalt a browse round JL and we still had time for a coffee and a bit of phone time ( see extra) before we went to The Grand Theatre to see the  Northern Ballet performance of Romeo and Juliet, fabulous a five star review from me.

Heard today Leeds has been named by The Sunday Times as one of the best places to live in England because after London it has the highest wages , the arcades such as this one we walked along tonight are commended . Leeds is the only provincial city to have its own orchestra, opera company and ballet company.The audience certainly appreciated the ballet tonight.

Home now and it’s nearly midnight so l will catch up with your journals tomorrow 

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