A Square of the Captain

This is Captain Lightning working on his nets. I once asked him his name, and he said..."People call me Lightning." He is a nice old guy, always quick to answer my many questions. 

When he does captain his boat, him and his crew fish for herring (a bait fish) and blue crab.

In the extras is my favorite pelican of the day.

16 in the pool today. Me, Patrick. Ralph, and 13 women. After class, Lisa went to a lecture with 2 neighbors, and I went to a few thrift stores.

P.S. There has been a metal mermaid mystery this year (behind the captain.) When we got here this year, her left metal breast fell off, and now her right one is gone. Makes me wish  that I knew something about welding. 

I would fix her up...
with two new cups.
I would do my best...
to give her 2 bew breasts.

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