Friend came from Pennsylvania to see the pictures

We went out to eat afterwards.

Today I was in DC for a work event. I met with my boss’ boss who thanked me for the incredible event last week Monday. 

I am so glad it went well and I am so glad it is over. Yesterday we did a debrief to capture lessons for whoever gets stuck doing this next time and hopefully it won’t be me. 

There are people who like doing events and we should hire one of them. 

No comment about the work event has event been neutral. They haven’t been just positive, they’ve all been effusively positive. Sometimes luck swings for you. 

Germany now supports the idea of using profits from frozen Russian assets to buy weapons for Ukraine. 

Rheinmetall plans to build new factories in Ukraine for ammunition production. They are a German arms manufacturer. They will also make tanks. 

Good night

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