All finished
More than two years ago it was a building site, and before that a semi-temporary car park, but all finished now. Taken on the way home after my penultimate Film Festival film - the 'sensory documentary' Leviathan that sought to tell some of the story of North Atlantic fishing in another, let's point the camera at stuff, have no commentary or interviews to camera and leave it all to the viewer. This one was very 'immersive' and almost abstract at times but my view of the world finds it a little unsatisfying as an approach at times and I want more context. But maybe the idea is that I can find that sort of stuff out afterwards by looking it up and I shouldn't let it distract me from the film. Last night's Consequence, a piece about a (very efficient) German crematorium - running 24x7x365 and 'processing' 27,000 bodies a year - was told in an equally comment-free way, although perhaps more effective for me. Thinking about it, that's seventy a day, three an hour. In the Q&A afterwards it was mentioned in passing (as a van with eight coffins in it had been stolen) that there are laws in Germany to prevent burning more than four bodies at once, which brought a little gasp from the audience.
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