What a day.

It was quite mild so we drove to the bottom end of Channelside ( avoiding the Dock Museum car park as it's still full of machinery) 

We had a nice walk with Fletch before going to Tesco. It takes about 3 minutes to drive there and in that time Fletch had scratched his face.. again.. and it was bleeding.  Just as it was healing up and the fur was starting to grow back!

So desperate  measures were  needed and we unpacked 'the doughnut' once we got home. 
It took quite a lot of effort to blow up as it was stuck together. Just as I thought it would never inflate I managed it.   I bathed Fletchs face and then slipped on the ' doughnut '.
 It took him less than 3 minutes to slide out of it! 

But I  then threaded in his old collar and once that was fastened it stayed round his neck. 
I thought it would really bother him but he was sleepy and the collar acted as a comfy cushion. 

But I decided I'd  better phone the vets as it's taking a while for his face to heal and his eye looked a bit sore. I was given an appointment  straight this afternoon which I didnt expect ,so up we went to Lindale. 
Fletchs usual vet wasnt there but we saw Anna and Fletch was very relaxed with her. She checked his eyes but apart from a touch of conjunctivitis in one they were ok. She put some bright yellow liquid in his eyes ( he didnt even flinch!) This coloured his fur of course! 

I was pleased that what I've been using to keep his face clean is what she suggested anyway so it's just a matter of carrying  on with that and the collar will stop him scratching it.

His back still has a few 'hot spots' too and though the shampoo is working that's taken a while so it was decided to give him a short course of antibiotics . 

Hes adapted to wearing the collar so hopefully, as he's not able to scratch his face it should get the chance to heal completely asap.
He can eat and drink ok and it acts as a pillow, better than the 'cone of shame'

Yesterday  I  ordered some  treats called 'Stop bl**dy scratching' and they arrived today. They are organic and very natural ingredients . He loves the taste so if nothing else theyll act as a reward. 
Fingers crossed.

What a day.

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