Hard work

Working days & nights are morphing into one big blur at the moment.
Single handedly conceptualizing, designing & artworking a 92 page book is yes, enjoyable but also very stressful & tiring.
It was supposed to go to print today & I so desperately wanted to be finished to get the train into town at 5:30.
It didn't happen & following a series of texts, cross words, non-communication & shouting, the evening started off on a very bad footing.
Alex said he had wanted to take me out all week as a bit of a celebration of completion & his plans didn't quite work out as he intended.
Eventually we ended up at the place that he had originally booked, The Bakerie.
Conversation was somewhat forced & atmosphere awkward but the food & drink was nice & the company ended up being so too.
I really hate that aspect of our relationship. We don't help ourselves.

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