Looking up

I awoke to blue skies and ... wait for it ... sunshine !  It was good to up and out earlyish to make my way to Parkrun.  I decided to forego my fleece and realised that it was actually colder than it looked  - and the hair ice I spotted at the start was testament to that. 

Conditions were good underfoot and I soon got into my stride and warmed. I tried to keep VP in my sights - she is about a minute or so faster than me and so makes a good pace maker.  I was delighted when the results came through - I had knocked 4 sec off my PB. 

There was cake waiting for us at the end - one of the regular volunteer marshalls BM reached his centenary of volunteering today. A great achievement and in so doing he joins a select band of volunteers in the 100 club.  It will be a few years before I reach that dizzy height, although I am hoping to reach 50 Parkruns and 25 volunteering stints later this year and am going to try and synchronise these.  Today I wrote the race report. 

We also had a visitor volunteer who was walking from Land's End to John O' Groats and has been joining different Parkruns enroute. This was her 10th. It was lovely chatting to her beforehand. 

Rain threatened the afternoon but held off and I spent some time in the garden. There is a lot to be done and it felt good to make a start. 

Tonight (if I can drag T away from the rugby)  we will finish watching the Red Queen, a Spanish crime thriller. They had a dream sequence in the last episode I watch and I though - that looks like a Velàsquez painting and sure enough they were recreating An Old Lady Cooking Eggs, one of my favourites which hangs in the National Gallery in Edinburgh. 

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