Easter egg shop

I haven't been in the best of moods today.  I woke up at 3am with my shoulder and couldn't get back over. At least the jedi woke up happy. He was singing in his bed literally at 5am. 

I went to morrisons first thing to get some Easter eggs. The jedi was asking everyone " are you ok today ". 

When we got back I started to tackle Harps room. I'm hoping that her bed is moved she will actually sleep in her own bed and not ours. Xander has been wanting his own room for a while so I swapped the jedi's small room for him and I have put the jedi in with Lincoln.  He's more confident climbing the ladder than what Lincoln is and he can be zipped in safe at night and can't escape.  I still need to tidy more but I also need to set up xanders new tv.  New to him. I managed to pick it up from a friend for free. It's 45inch so quite big. I'm hoping his own space will do him good. 

Xander, Mr R and Lincoln are away to the football.  It's raining and cold. I did suggest Lincoln take waterproof trousers but he said no. So if he gets cold and wet then he will learn. Hopefully they all have a good time and Xander enjoys being a ball boy. The game finishes quite late. Past the wildlings bedtime.  

So it's just me and the wee ones at home. I'll get on with stuff when they have had their dinner. 

I'm going to double up on the painkillers tonight and hope that I can sleep. I don't enjoy being a tired and grumpy git.  

Catch up when I can. X 

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