The Klaxon Sounded.... Roger sounded his call. The call the Blackbirds competing in the county relay would recognise, that the feeding station was nearby.

When a relay team approached a feeding station on their relay route, the 'Watcher' at that station would sound out to confirm all was OK to stop there, and then, after their quick feeding stop, off they'd fly again, towards the next stop.

Roger had done his duty for the day, found out a the Blackbird Sonnets had won the relay by a long note, leaving their competitors counting their beats, and seeing how they could have improved.

It was decided some serious rhythm training was in order, where they would need to count their beats, practise their quavers and scales, helped by a good singalong at the local pub - the Treble & Base.

Roger listened in with a key note of interest, and received a free meal out of it too, something he could brag about for the rest of the week!

Take care all :-)

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