Favourite Restaurant …

… at the Grand St. Bernard Pass, well and truly buried in the snow till June  probably. Every winter I try to visit the Hospice (extra, founded in 1049) at the Col. The views are so spectacular from the Swiss side and even more so looking down into Italy. Today Julie-Anne and I left late as the weather had not cleared as we had hoped but were rewarded with swirling clouds and dramatic scenery, so much more interesting than a blue sky day. A few extras to give you a flavour of the conditions.

Thanks so much for your well wishes for Preston who we took for another check up this morning. He now has no fever, or pus in his head. It’s been a long week for him, poor lad. Now we are hoping his strength will soon return.

Have a great weekend everyone, I feel an early night coming on and will comment tomorrow when I shall be recovering from today’s effort. 

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