Life-changing bread

I’ve been busy in the kitchen today. These two loaves were baked first thing (all the preparation had been done yesterday). The one on the right is my usual sourdough which I make every other day. The one on the left is a different beast altogether. It goes by the name of “Life- changing. Bread”. It has no flour so would be good for those of you who eat gluten free. But it does have a whole lot of good ingredients and amazingly, it tastes wonderful too! I heard about it from a friend and was cynical, but all I can say is - try it for yourself. I will add the link at the end of this post.
I  also made a wild garlic pesto/ spread  (see extra) which will go very well with it.

There was time for a wee bit of gardening before lunch and a walk in the forest with Jess afterwards.

Now it’s time for tea (Greek Chickpea Stew).

Loaf recipe

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