
Today is my friend Ina‘s 60th birthday, and she had a party. We know each other from university. She always loved to buy Christmas decorations and other knickknacks, and find unusual ways to display them, all through the year. This ceiling light in her living room is typical for her playful style.

She lives about an hour away (by car), and I found the drive on the busy autobahn around Frankfurt unusually difficult. For this, I blame my tiredness after a mostly sleepless night - thanks to P having to work, and him being up and talking on the phone between 3:30 and 5 a.m. excited the cats a lot. They never settled down again, and I only got a total of three hours sleep. 

So  wasn’t feeling too great today, and I only stayed at Ina‘s party for coffee and cake, even though I had wanted to be there for much longer. But when most guests arrived for drinks and dinner, I excused myself and drove home. 

P assured me that he won’t get any phone calls in the middle of tonight, so we might have a chance to catch up on sleep. If the cats feel generous.

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