
The weather was much improved today. On a sunny day I headed off to a church morning event on pioneer ministry. It was an interesting and encouraging event as we explored both what a pioneer ministry meant and how we could develop ideas in our congregation.

In the slightly greyer afternoon I took the dog up Blackford Hill for a run around and, as always, walked past the Royal Observatory. (The view also shows Berwick Law some 25 miles down the coast.)

It got me wondering whether the observatory tracked the Pioneer mission into deep space. A while on google has not helped me resolve that question. So back home and back to minute writing.

This evening we watched Poor Things which involved a lot of observation - both by the main character and by the viewer. I can see why the Oscars it garnered were awarded. But it was one of the most weird films I have seen and while some parts were funny and strangely fascinating there were some sights I would have preferred not to have observed.

So back to the minutes!!

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