Painted lady

A nice Saturday, painting, drawing, trying to write my essay! Asha's friend came over for the afternoon and evening too. Her mom stayed for a while and we had a good catch up.
We made gf pizzas for dinner and walked her home about 9. It was over an hour round trip, but no complaints from Nate now he's discovered he loves listening to tunes - we each have one headphone, ha!
It was quite a bizarre walk as the atmosphere was an odd orange due to thick fog we've had all day. The cathedral has been totally whited out, as has the Port at the end of the street!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny's travels around the country going smoothly, and a nice pic from mom!
2) The fun of painting with the kids and trying out new techniques.
3) Catching up with Romina's mom. Lots to listen to and huge-squeeze-the-breath-out-of-you hugs as she left. 

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