It's Not Fish

Bit of a event at work - it was our CE 's last day as head of our Company after almost 11 years in the job. He isn't your typical sitting in an ivory tower CE - in fact none of our MB are, there are only 5 of the top guys that have an office and they are placed in amongst the hoi polloi which how it should be! The only time he wears a tie is when meeting royalty or government ministers, and he started a blog when he took up his post, on our intranet site keeping all 20,000 staff who are dotted all around the UK and Ireland up to date of his comings and goings! Then staff can reply or ask a question to him by e:mail to his posting. There was a free BBQ on site which was pretty busy as there are around 2,000 in the Perth Head Office but we all got our food in time for the presentation. The final goodbye was him being clapped out the door at home time through reception.

Mummy took Cameron to see Despicable Me 2 as he is off to Center Parcs next week so I had wee Ben for tea and some chat! Ben would eat fish every night if he got the chance but as we had that on Thursday he had to endure chicken and mashed tats. You can see by his face he is not that keen - you would think is was making him eat a Turkey Twizzler!

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