A nice little corner

I have new blinds in my kitchen - having had bare windows for many years.  I can’t lower this one fully at present, as there are two egg boxes on the windowsill, with potatoes chitting. So when I came down this morning there was some nice light coming in onto the corner by the sink, and I thought it looked worthy of blipping. 
I went to visit a friend who has just bought a house nearby, what I believe is called a fixer-upper.  There is not one part of it that doesn’t need repairing, replacing or at minimum decorating. It made me feel a rising sense of panic.  But she is happy and looking forward to a five year project, much of which she can do herself.  How fortunate that people differ so much, it makes life more fun.  We went out for a nice lunch in her new neighbourhood, which is fairly familiar to me. 

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