
One of the more disgusting exercises undertaken by the Tories, excused by their flawed and ultimately unsuccessful 'austerity' regime, was the closing of libraries. 

In real terms, council funding has dropped by around 40% since 2010, which not only explains the catastrophic decline in public services, but also the continuing closure of libraries, not longer for ideological reasons, but because councils simply can't afford to run them. 

I mention this only tangentially to my activities today, which included the Salford Crescent Residents' Association Annual General Meeting, this evening, which was held around the corner at the Working Class Movement Library

In reality, this consisted of a few residents from the square and it was a good natured and, at times, humorous affair. 

It did remind me, though, that I need to visit the library properly. Something else for the 'to do' list!


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