Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Miffy and red wine

We went to Maud and the Rogster for dinner. They are collectors of weird shit (I say this in the nicest possible way) and this is their apparently very collectible Miffy lamp. I had never heard of Miffy but she is apparently famous. I’m not sure she drinks red wine; the placement of the glass here was serendipitous. 

It was an intense evening for a number of reasons not least that I managed to spill a few drops of red wine on to a white carpet. A lot of dabbing with wet tea towels ensued. I hope daylight brings about a positive outcome but apparently they have a very good carpet cleaner called Colin.

To our surprise the journey to Harrow and back was not impacted in any way by the unheard of weekend closure of the M25 between junctions 10 and 11 and we breezed through there and back again, although the return leg was at about two in the morning. You’d consider yourself unlucky to get caught in a traffic jam at that time.

Despite being well fed I needed tea and toast when we got home. TSM also persuaded me to start The Guardian crossword. I think it was nearly three in the morning before we got to sleep, which shows that us old ‘uns can still rock it.

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