country of my mind

Saint Patrick's Day; so here's a Patrick Kavanagh verse, as taken from within the pictured 2005 collection:

Monaghan Hills

O Monaghan hills
You have made me the sort of man I am
A fellow who can never care a damn
For Everest thrills

The country of my mind
Has a hundred little heads
On none of which foot-room for genius.

Because of you I am a half-faithed ploughman
Shallow furrows at my heels
Because of you I am a beggar of song
And a coward in thunder.

If I had been born among the Mournes
Even in Forkhill
I might have had echo-corners in my soul
Repeating the dawn laughter.

I might have climbed to know the glory
Of toppling from the roof of seeing -
O Monaghan hills when is writ your story
A carbon-copy will unfold my being.


Patrick Kavanagh (1904-1967)


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