Silly Saturday ...

... too many pictures.

Yes ... I took too many pictures today but none of them was what I would consider a standout.  So a collage it it for today's Silly Saturday.

Both Richard and I belong to a Facebook group for Minsi Lake and we have been seeing lots of eagle pictures being posted.  So today we decided to take the ride up to the lake to check things out.  I wish I could tell you that we saw lots of eagles ... but we didn't see a single one.  In fact, there weren't many birds at all.  We did see some ducks and gulls but that was about it on the bird front.

From this Facebook group we also learned that there were some muskrats making their home in the lake.  In all the years coming up here we had never seen any ... until today!  What are the odds!?!  You can see one in the middle bottom picture.

During our walk we passed the couple walking their dog.  I stopped to pet her and they told me that today was her first walk!  They had just adopted her from a shelter!  How great is that!?!

In the bottom right picture is a domesticated guineafowl that we passed on one of the roads!  And also along this same road we saw the Beware Of sign ... which I loved! 

And finally ... the little chipmunk is appropriately blowing Silly Saturday raspberries at all of us!

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