Out of road

JJ went off to the golf club for Liam’s lesson and I had planned on walking but not in the rain, so I did a few chores and then a bit of sewing, before deciding I needed to go up the road to see Bill after yesterday’s episode.

The following is just for the record so don’t feel obliged to read it.

Basically he hadn’t taken in his green bin and the curtains were all drawn so a neighbour had gone round to see if all was well but got no answer and contacted me after ringing for an ambulance. He hadn’t put his bin back because he hadn’t put it out, someone else had done it for him and when it was emptied it was left across the road, and he hadn’t answered the door because he was changing Maggie.

He didn’t answer the phone when I rang because he thought he was getting scam messages as the paramedics were trying to get hold of him and he didn’t know why.  I left a message to ring me urgently, which he did.

I now have a number for Bill’s sister, who has a key, in case there’s a real emergency.

I did spend a little time with Maggie but she is totally unresponsive.  However I did note that the room smelled fine, she was clean, including her hair and her nails are short, so he is looking after her.  She’s propped up looking towards the garden and there’s quiet music playing in the background.  She’s 71 and was a head teacher.  He won’t pay for care because he says they don’t do it right and it’s never the same person, and he won’t sign a Do Not Resuscitate form.  Goodness knows what he’s doing with all her pension.

We’ve been invited up the road to champagne at 5.30 pm (with our friends) to celebrate a local gentleman’s 90th birthday.  It should be entertaining.

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