Finally ... the snow arrives

Our week in Lofoten finishes today, with a lunchtime flight to Bodo; I woke at 6am, looked out of the window and said to Deb "We've got snow"

Finished the last bits of packing, loaded the car and were out of the house by 8.30 (Though the main pic of the red hut at Ramsberg beach was shot before breakfast - and before any other photographers had put footprints on the snow around it).

There's a reason that things like the red hut are such iconic shots - and it looks so wonderfully isolated in the snow, with the distant mountains shrouded in cloud.

Five extras - another angle on the hut, Flakstad cemetary, Flakstad Church, Frevang Bridge and Volanstind Peak.

It's been one of the best trips ever, possibly the best. We've both loved every minute, had a fabulous time, now a flight to Bodo, overnight stop there, then two more flights to Oslo, then Manchester. 

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