The Rev and O did a loooonngg walk this morning. I joined them for part of it as I didn’t want to go as far but it ended up as nearly a 6K!!
Popped into Lent lunch just for soup as….
…we went up to London for dinner at Claridges Hotel. We had found out last week Chef O was cooking and we had a spare evening so decided to surprise him.
#pre dinner drinks in the bar.
When we explained to the waiter we were Chef O’s parents they told us to go into the kitchen.
#He was so pleased to see us and just walked up and gave his Dad the biggest hug. It was so lovely that he wasn’t embarrassed in front of his colleagues.
#We chose to have a black truffle crumpet to share but before we could we were served up 1 each with a glass of champagne on the house. (As a thank you for giving them a great chef). It was delicious.
#The Rev had ham hock…tasty but a safe choice.
# I had agnolotti …so beautifully presented.
As O was on fish tonight I asked him to choose for me..
#Sea bass…perfectly served.
#The Rev had pork chop….one of his favourites.
Because I wanted to record what we had…desserts are saved for tomorrow!!!

Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate - Aland D. Wolfelt

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