My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Protect Our Oceans

With a bit of a full on day and a meeting scheduled for 4-5 this afternoon, I decided I needed to get out for some fresh air and stretch my legs further than walking to the kettle and biscuit tin.
I didn't actually need anything from town but thought I'd take the opportunity to ding another one of the painted BT boxes. This one, up on St John's Hill, is by Jenni Cornall and is one of a couple that are painted on both sides. I couldn't decide to use one side or both*, maybe I'll just count it twice in the end. 

After my fairly late OSG meeting it was off to school for Owen's parents' evening, where he seems to be settling down really well and making good progress all round. 

Artist: Jenni Cornall

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