I took quite a few photos in the garden today, where I spent most of the day.
I just needed to be outside.
It’s my sanctuary…except when I get overwhelmed and frustrated at what needs doing and how everything feels harder and heavier!!!
But it is this photo that caused much discussion and laughter!
I took it to send to Spike and Emily as they live in Flushing!!..but certainly not in £3,000,000 pound house!! Though they walk along that road to their beach.
It made them laugh as Falmouth has also been voted the most miserable town !! we had a fun discussion.
Their little girl. Ottilie ,goes to the village school, where some of her class and schoolmates come over everyday on the ferry in their little yellow jackets. If the weather is too rough for the ferry to run, they have a very organised system of groups of parents driving them round.
It cheered them up today as they have just installed an expensive fence to keep their dogs in.. and one of them found out she can climb!!!( see extra that was sent to me)
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