‘Hearth with Chair and Fire Extinguisher’

We went to the Gallery of Modern Art at lunchtime today. It's a nice walk through the Dean Cemetery - always a place for reflection. 

Our objective was to see ‘Tracing Time’ - a meditation on the theme of home by a multidisciplinary South Korean artist, Do Ho Suh, who spent several years living in different apartments and houses worldwide. 

I found some of his work a bit impenetrable, and today's blip is of another artwork - ‘Hearth with Chair and Fire Extinguisher’ (artist unknown)!

More seriously though, some of his work did resonate with me, and I have included a less impenetrable example as an extra. It uses backlit colourless fabric to reproduce exact scale replicas of essential fittings from the bathroom in the New York apartment where Do Ho once lived, lined up like in a museum.

The effect is a ghostly one, reflecting the fact that they were part of his life that is now no more. Mists of time, perhaps?

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