
I don't usually post photos of gents urinals but I have never before found myself using converted milk churns! I was having lunch with the family, and Kanji the dog, in The Greyhound pub in the tiny village of Charcott near Tonbridge in Kent. It's a very rural setting, so the sign on the gents' toilets was 'Bulls' and on the ladies, 'Cows'. Not sure about the latter one, certainly not very flattering! The food was very good and the staff lovely. We chose the pub as a broadly central location for Paula and Jimmy (and Kanji) to travel from Brighton and for Adele to travel from Greenwich by train via London Bridge. It took an age to  get there, though, as we took what we thought would be a less busy diversion route to take than the official one to avoid the M25 closure between junctions 11 and 10. We took the M25 all the way up to Junction 10 on the way back and diverted via the A3 and Ripley, getting home in half the time. And what was the occasion? oh yes, it was my birthday. It's why I've always had an affinity with Ireland and the Irish, being born on St Patrick's Day.

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