
Rather muggy day, that became progressively greyer.
Walk along the shore produced this shot.
I suspect the langoustine had been caught dead and has been flung over the side.
Nephrops norvegicus, known variously as the Norway lobster, Dublin Bay prawn,
is a slim, orange-pink lobster which grows up to 25 cm (10 in) long, and is "the most important commercial crustacean in Europe

However, I preferred a title of flotsam or jetsam.
However, when looked up on the net,
I came across a whole range of nautical terminology.
So enlightened,
I now know it is not flotsam, jetsam, lagan or derelict.
Tideline was the closest description,
although you can't see the line,
as I have only photographed a single item.

A tideline refers to where two currents in the ocean converge.
Driftwood, floating seaweed, foam, and other floating debris may accumulate,
forming sinuous lines called tidelines
(even though they generally have nothing to do with the tide.)

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