Shadow Play

When the wind dies down, it’s lovely to sit in the sun. 
I’ve been diagnosed with a URI, which sounds really terrible, but stands for Upper Respiratory Infection, or what we used to call A Cold. It’s not Covid, nor flu, nor RSV, but messy and uncomfortable nonetheless. I hated to go to Urgent Care this morning, but the symptoms are worse in the evening, and worse still at night, so at least now I will know I have something ordinary when I can’t breathe at midnight.
Last night the power went off around 11, and everything in the house beeped and then went deadly still. A few minutes later, the power came back on, causing everything to beep and blink again, including my computer, which had to be put back to sleep by a human who had to get out of bed. Once this all settled down, the phone rang and a message from the power company said our power had gone out but was back on now. I listened for awhile, wondering what shoe would come next, but all was well. Except for sneezing and carrying on. It will pass.

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